Rabu, 9 November 2016


It is not easy to be a successful entrepreneur. High passions and not easily give up is one of the keys to be a successful entrepreneur. Jeff Bezos once said that ‘One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You do not choose your passions. Your passions choose you’. Thomas Edison also said that ‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up’.

            There are many benefits to be an entrepreneur such as it will give a huge amount of freedom. Besides, to be an entrepreneur can be very exciting because it will be filled with new opportunities to challenge their determination, skills and abilities. This can bring a convenience to peoples who have a great innovations and creativity.
But there are also have challenges in an entrepreneur world. To be an entrepreneur requires dedicating a huge amount of time. To be successful they have to take a level of time commitment that many people are not willing to make. An entrepreneur need to spend much of their times, energy and money in the process of entrepreneurship. And of course an entrepreneur needs to know that this type of venture does not guarantee 100% success.

            So, there are certain entrepreneurial traits to make them adhere to success in their entrepreneurship way. There are some entrepreneur traits that we have been discussed. There are included persuasion, self-confidence, work commitment, efficiency oriented, tolerance for failure, high initiative level, information seeking and problem solving. We also shown an examples of successful entrepreneurs as the learning models for every traits such as Datuk Seri Dr.Hasmiza Othman, Dato’ Haji Ramly Bin Mokni, Datuk Wan Mohammad Sani Salleh, Tuan Haji Mohd Tamin, Tan Sri Mokhzani Mahathir, Dato’ Shukri Aliff Kamarzaman, Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin and Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr.Tony Fernandes.

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