Rabu, 9 November 2016

a) Persuasion

Persuasion is a process of changing other people attitude, behavior, belief or the way they think  toward some idea or things when convey information, feelings or reasoning by using written or spoken. The power of persuasion can help the entrepreneur in guarantee the successful of their business. It is because, when an entrepreneur is good in persuasion skills he or she can effectively convince potential clients about his or her product or services, able to hire the best employees, can persuade others to become his or her investor and convince people to become your partners. Other than that, you also able to get support and respect from other when you are good in persuade.

Datuk Seri Dr. Hasmiza Othman

           Datuk Seri Dr. Hasmiza Othman the founder of Qu Puteh is one of the entrepreneur who are good in persuasion. She was born in Machang. She started to do business when her father died as she just only nine years old. The loss of source income make her doing business by selling anything that can give her source of income. Using the money her mother gain from selling land, she further her study to University Sains Malaysia. But, the money from selling the land cannot afford the cost of her living in the university. So she doing a business in the campus. After she gets a degree she became a teacher in Chinese school for 12 years. While working as a teacher, she further her study in a Doctorate Study.

          She doing many things to persuade the customers to trust and buy his product. She has her on style to convince people to use and buy her product. She buy an advertisement to promote her product but eventually the advertisement failed. But she does not give up. To promote her product she wears cloth that are outstanding an eye catching. She also wear a crown. With this, people will recognized her. Other than that, to persuade people to use her product, she also sponsored an actor Anzalna Nasir. After that, people the product was known by people.

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