Rabu, 9 November 2016

c) Work Commitment

Commitment is the willingness to give your time and energy in doing things or an obligation to do something. Commitment is the founding drive of the entrepreneur. A commitment entrepreneur will do anything it takes to success. They need to do extra tasks and staying beyond their allotted schedule which means they need to sacrifice their time to do the tasks. A commitment entrepreneur need to see through with everything on the line. They also will feel passionate in what they are doing and they will never give up upon their dreams and goals.

Datuk Wan Mohammad Sani Salleh

            Datuk Wan Mohammad Sani Salleh is one of the entrepreneurs who are commitment in work. He was born in 24 July 1976. He graduated in year 1994 in Diploma of Business Management College. He now is the director of Sani United Sdn. Bhd. (Sani Express Sdn. Bhd., Sani Sdn. Bhd. and Sani Hotel Sdn. Bhd.). He has been awarded with Darjah Indera Mahkota in Jun 2009 and outstanding entrepreneur award by Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM) at Kuala Lumpur on 2009.

            Before Datuk Wan Mohammad Sani Salleh become an entrepreneur he involved in entertainment industry. He became a model, singer and actor at the same time. Eventually, after a period he realised until when he need to life as an entertainer. Moreover, he can only using the money he gained from the work to support his daily food and life. After a few years involved in entertainment industry, he realised that he cannot gain any benefit for the future in the industry. When he compared himself to his friend Datuk Din that had been successful in business, he felt left out.

            Starting on that point, he was determined to change his living standards. He firstly open repair workshops in Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu. He also started to involved in business in transportation field such as bus which has always been his interest. It is because he always using bus during his school days.

            When he started the business in the transportation field, he faced with several challenges. He need to sleep in the offices and sacrifice his time to finish the work. This Show that, even he faces with challenge, he does not give up. He still committed with his job and work harder. In year 2003 he and two of his friend especially establish SUSB for the transport business but not long after that his friends pulled out and left he alone to handle the business. The situation was really tough for his at the moment as his need to be more careful in making decision because he need to make the decision alone without refer to anyone. Moreover, if he make a mistake in making decision, he will be in trouble.

            However, because he is a person who are committed to work, he does not give up. He only achieve the results of her business after three years. Since then his business started to grow.

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